Study the Word
Why Do You Weep?
Read: John 20:11-18 It’s the day after the resurrection. Should have been the happiest day of their lives. Yet, here we are in the middle of the scene and one of the main characters in the story is crying. Weeping. …
Study the Word
Read: Matthew 26:57-65 and 27:50-51 It’s Passover. Caiaphas the High Priest, and the chief priests and elders, bring Jesus before Caiaphas seeking to put Him to death. It’s late at night, the false witnesses came through – Caiaphas knew they were …
Study the Word
Who Do You Seek?
Read: John 18:1-40 It’s that time of year. You walk into the grocery store to pick up a few items and Easter stares back at you in the form of brightly colored Peeps and chocolate shaped bunnies on aisle end caps. …