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More Than Crumbs

Sep 26, 2024

2 min read




Read: Mark 7:24-30 


“Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it;  yet He could not keep His presence secret.” Mark 7:24 



There are so many times in His story that we find Jesus needing rest. Yet, He seldom had it. There’s something attractive about Jesus. Most times when we see Him there are crowds. In streets and marketplaces crowds crush in. When He retreats to a house, it’s filled with people. Everywhere He goes, there’s a crowd. Mark says it like this: “. . . He could not keep His presence secret.”  

In our passage today we read of a mother who needed Jesus badly. Her young daughter was demon-possessed. In her desperation she comes to Him, pleading for a miracle. She believed that Jesus could do what none other was able. 

I know many can identify with this mother. Your children—the children you birthed, nurtured, raised in the ways of Christ—have now decided to walk away. They seem to being running from all taught. And now your heart breaks. In your grieving you wonder where and when will it all end.  

What can you do? 

Learn from the Syrophoenician woman: Come to Jesus knowing that He is the answer for your broken heart and children. He is not hidden. His presence is not a secret. He’s there

Not only is He there but realize that He cares. On the face of the story from Mark’s gospel there seems to be an unconcern from Jesus. In fact, it seems from His response to the mother’s cry that He’s a little harsh to her. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. This woman’s persistence shows us there must’ve been something about the look on His face that caused her to trust in His heart. We can see by her response that: 

  • She believed in His love 

  • She believed in His power 

She was right. Take a moment and read the exchange again. Jesus was delighted with her response and His love would not allow her cries to go unheeded. The exertion of His will in her matter would prove mightier than the grip of evil. Her child is restored because His presence was not a secret! 

As we start the week together, remember His presence is not a secret to you!  

You’re able to encounter His presence through the Word. The Written Word reveals the Living Word that will usher us into the Resurrected Word’s power. And, that changes everything! He can do in our lives what needs to be done. He’s able to do in your child’s life what needs to be done! Believe it. 

His presence is evidenced throughout your Christian experience. You’ve heard the stories. His power and presence have been real in your life. And you know the Unchanging One is still moving. 

His presence is not a secret! 

Come to Him.  

Trust Him.  

I promise: You’ll find more than crumbs! 

Sep 26, 2024

2 min read





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