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He Knows Where You’ve Been

Sep 25, 2024

3 min read




Read: Exodus 13:17-18 

A few weeks ago (May 18th) we looked at the story of the exodus and realized that God took the children of Israel on the long road home. I want to jump back into the story . . .  

Israel had been in Egypt for some 430 years. They had not been dragged there in chains. Rather, you’ll remember that a famine had forced their migration. 

It was the story of Joseph.  Do you remember? The dreamer.  

God had given him big dreams. But it seems he also had a big mouth. His father doting over him caused animus between he and his brothers. This ultimately would find Joseph in a pit, sold into slavery, in a palace, in prison, and finally at Pharaoh’s side. He remained true to God through it all and God was pleased and blessed Him. This blessing would lead to the deliverance of his brothers and family from the famine. So, they found themselves in Egypt. (That was a very quick and poor telling of the story. Maybe you’ll want to revisit it in your personal bible study time!) 

Time passes. Things change.  Exodus 1:8-11 shows just how much. For the children of Israel, things begin to fall apart.  

Out of fear—a pharaoh that had no loyalty to Joseph, didn’t even know of him—chose to enslave them. For years, for generations they are looked down upon as inferior. No longer welcome guests, they are despised and disgusting forced labor. Slaves. 

Can you imagine the impact of those generations? 

If you are told something enough you begin to believe it.  Whether it’s true or not, it becomes your truth.  Propagandists know this.  It’s easily illustrated:  

If you (mom and dad) tell your child repeatedly that they can’t do anything right . . . They’ll begin to believe it.  

So, all those years they’re treated as inferior. Their perspective is weakened. Self-confidence was gone. They had been broken. Therefore, God would be the One to restore what the enemy had taken. 

We don’t have enough time to go through the story of Moses. However, it was all woven together to bring them out of bondage and into the promise of God. But as we said back on May 18th: When deliverance came, God didn’t take them on the shortest route. 

He took them on the long road home.  Because He knew. He knew where they had been. He knew how they’d been affected. He knew how they felt. 

Do you realize it’s the same for us? 

I know there are things that happen in our lives that we don’t understand. Some of us carry weight around that we have never been able to tell anyone. We’ve been wounded in ways that we think no one could understand. Or, even if they did—It would change the way they thought or felt about us. 

I want you to know this: God knows where you’ve been.  He knows how you’ve been affected.  He knows your greatest hurts.  And, because He’s good you can be sure that He will use all those things for your good. But, most importantly; for His glory. 

So, why not give it to Him. You can trust Him. He knows where you’ve been. 


With many restrictions still in place, many ministries are only on the road part time and are depending on God’s faithfulness for support. If you feel led to make a tax-free donation to my ministry you can do so on my website. I know many of you are in need as well, and I would never ask you to give if it would cause you financial hardship – the best gift you can give me is your prayers! But if you are able and feel led, there is a link below where you can donate on my website. Thank you so much!

Sep 25, 2024

3 min read





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