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Jesus Stood Still

Sep 25, 2024

3 min read




Read: Mark 10:46-52 

We don’t know much of his story. We’re not told where he came from. There aren’t many details provided about his life. The thing we’re told is his condition. He surely has a story to tell—but, no one wants to listen. 

Mark tells us his name is Bartimaeus. The son of Timaeus. Derived from the Aramaic bar = “son” and the Greek timaios = “honorable”, his name literally means, son of honor.  

It almost seems like a cruel joke. 


He’s blind. 

He’s a beggar; the dregs of society. 

Honor wouldn’t be an adjective used to describe him. Like the refuse that collects in the gutter, he’s nothing more than a crumpled man who resides at the side of the road.  

An unremarkable man of no station of no importance suffering alone with something he can’t solve. One poor man, from one family, on a road passing from Jericho to Jerusalem. 

But today, it’s this road that Jesus would travel down. 

Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem. He’s on His way to make the ultimate sacrifice to fulfill the Fathers heart, to establish the Kingdom. He’s lived a selfless life and now He’ll offer Himself. He’ll accept the cross. For you. For me. Even, for Bartimaeus.  

So, He’s passing through Jericho where he was. An unremarkable man of no station with no importance suffering alone with something he can’t solve. One poor man, from one family. 

For Bartimaeus it’s just another ordinary day. He’d hold the pauper’s cup. He’d cry for alms. He’d rely on the kindheartedness of passersby to get through another day of his miserable existence. Then, he hears it. A crowd is coming his way. A big crowd.  

He asks . . . 

He hears . . . 

And, an ordinary day turns extraordinary when he hears, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by”.  

So, he cries . . . 

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (We don’t have time to stay here long. But this is so interesting. This is the only time in Mark’s telling of the Gospel that this title is used besides when Jesus refers to himself in 12:35. Interesting because it’s a Messianic title. How is it that Bartimaeus—in his darkness—sees better than most of those in the light?!) And, although the crowd attempts to quiet him down he continues to cry. 

In his passionate persistence he rejects the crowd’s disdain and control, refusing to permit this opportunity to pass him by. He goes for it and above the roar of the crowd a single voice is heard. 

Then it happens.  Look at v. 49. Do you see it? Jesus stood still! 

Read that again and think about this: Jesus is on His way to fulfill the Father’s heart.  The Divine drama is in the middle of it’s crescendo about to climax.

When a cry from  an unremarkable man of no station of no importance suffering alone with something he can’t solve; one poor man, from one family, on a road passing from Jericho to Jerusalem, cries out for mercy and the heart of the Father pounds so strongly in His chest that HE STOOD STILL.  

Bartimaeus couldn’t change his story.  

Jesus could . . . And, He did. 

Most of us live pretty unremarkable lives. Don’t be offended. It’s true. History books will not record many of our stories. There’ll be no statues or monuments chiseled in our honor. But our cries move the Father’s heart. No matter how insignificant we may feel, regardless of our station in life, Jesus cares for you. He hears your cry. He stops. And, He can change your story too.  

We are Bartimaeus: One person From one family On one road of life Suffering with something we can’t solve on our own. 

Jesus can. Take heart. He’s calling you!


With many restrictions still in place, many ministries are only on the road part time and are depending on God’s faithfulness for support. If you feel led to make a tax-free donation to my ministry you can do so on my website. I know many of you are in need as well, and I would never ask you to give if it would cause you financial hardship – the best gift you can give me is your prayers! But if you are able and feel led, there is a link below where you can donate on my website. Thank you so much!

Sep 25, 2024

3 min read