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Something Is Missing

Sep 26, 2024

2 min read




READ: Mark 10:17-22  

Have you ever felt like something is missing? 

There’s a longing . . . You’re just not sure why. 

There’s a lack . . . But you can’t put your finger on it. 

There’s an emptiness that nothing seems to fill. 

It’s obvious, something is missing. 


We get the sense that’s what he felt.  

Mark simply refers to him as [some] one (10:17)

Luke tells us that he was a ruler (18:18) that is very rich (18:23). 

Matthew only says that he was a young man (19:20). 


One who is a young, very rich ruler knew

Something was missing. 

Despite being born with the right last name. 

Even having been raised the right way. 

Having lived a good, right, honorable life. 

With the world at his feet, still . . . 

Something was missing. 


So, he goes to Jesus. 

Where else can you go when you need answers? 

Who else can provide direction when it seems to be lost? 

It should be natural—he runs to Jesus. 

And what does Jesus do? 


Jesus sees him and loves him. 

I see arrogance.  

Jesus sees him. 

I am blinded by his riches.  

Jesus is moved by his need


Have you ever felt like something is missing? 

There’s a longing . . . You’re just not sure why.  

There’s a lack . . . But you can’t put your finger on it. 

There’s an emptiness that nothing seems to fill. 

It’s obvious, something is missing. 


Maybe I’ve looked at this story wrong all these years. The rich young ruler knew he needed something…he even knew where to find it. Jesus. But the surrender to the call that would have unlocked his deepest joy and eternal life, he rejected. How often do I do this? How often do I go to God, beg for an answer and then dismiss obedience to His voice?

May we be eager to hear and quick to obey.

Sep 26, 2024

2 min read





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