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The Long Road Home

Sep 25, 2024

2 min read




Read Exodus 13:17-18

Ernest W. Blandly wrote the hymn, ‘Where He Leads Me I Will Follow’. It’s a song that I’ve known all my life. Or, at least as long as I can remember. You remember the refrain:

Where He leads me I will follow,I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way!

We sing it.But, do we mean it?

Even if it means rough waters.If it takes me to the garden of suffering.Not to mention, if it leads to dark Calvary.I’ll go with Him.All the way.

Have you noticed that following God’s plan for your life isn’t always easy? Hey, if we’re honest, life isn’t easy. And, it’s not even always fun. But, we know that God is always good, so we can trust Him while we follow Him on this journey. There’s no better illustration of this reality than when God led the children of Israel out of Egypt during the Exodus.

Remember, it took the Israelites two years to get to the Promised Land. In reality it should’ve only taken them a few days or longer. And then, when they get there . . . because of their fear they didn’t enter in for another thirty-eight. Forty years!

There is no doubt that it wasn’t God’s initial plan for it to take them that long to receive the promise. However, God did delay the plan. Not for years. But, He didn’t lead them on the shortest route. You could say that He led them on the long road home.

Maybe you feel like you’re on the long road to His promise. What I want us to understand is this:

What I want us to understand is this:

The God who redeems and delivers His people, will also guide and protect them.

We need to be reminded. As we journey with the Israelites on this road we’ll see that God chose this path:

  • Because, He knew where they had been.

  • He also knew what they would face.

  • The long road home was necessary to prepare them for what was to come.

  • And, to remind them of His constant, faithful Presence with His people

These are lessons we all must learn.

Whether you are on the long road or not—we all need to be reminded of God’s faithfulness on this journey.

Grab your bags.

It’s time to hit the road.

With the “stay at home” order still in place in most of America, many ministries have been grounded at home, supported by God’s faithfulness alone. If you feel led to make a tax-free donation to my ministry you can do so on my website. I know many of you are in need as well, and I would never ask you to give if it would cause you financial hardship – the best gift you can give me is your prayers! But if you are able and feel led, there is a link below where you can donate on my website. Thank you so much!

Sep 25, 2024

2 min read





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