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You Can Believe This!

Sep 26, 2024

1 min read




Read: 1 Timothy 1:15 

Have you noticed it’s becoming more difficult to know what you can believe? 

I’ve always been a news junkie. Ok, junkie might be a little strong. But I do like to know what’s going on in the world. So, I would typically watch the news on television, listen on the radio, and even read the complimentary paper at the hotel. Yes, I still enjoy the newspaper! Call me an old soul.  

But lately the news contradicts itself. One station says this. Another the exact opposite. Still another something else. It’s hard to know what’s true. It can really become frustrating. What are we to believe? 

As I was thinking about these things this week, Paul’s words to Timothy came to mind: 


“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptance,  

that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners . . .” 

 (1 Timothy 1:15) 


As we prepare to celebrate Christmas later this week, I’d like to remind you of what you can believe: Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 


Christ Jesus came speaks of His Presence amongst us. 

That He came into the world speaks of His participation in humanity. 

To save sinners reveals His purpose—to restore fallen man’s position with God. 


In a world that’s filled with conflicted, confusing messages it’s hard to know what to believe. I just wanted to drop a word of encouragement to you as we begin this Christmas week and say, you can believe this! 

By the way, this is what Christmas is all about. 

Sep 26, 2024

1 min read





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